Author's note: In this piece I am looking for a proficient thesis statement, an advanced in organization by having A-B transitions and good paragraph lengths and specific word choices to try and earn at least a proficient in this category.
Did you know that 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying? When people first heard this they usually don't do anything about it. Then it came to me, why should I just sit around and feel sorry for everyone? I should be making a difference.
When you see or hear someone getting picked on stand up to the bully instead of laughing along with the bully, when you laugh along that pretty much means the bully wins. If the bully starts picking on you don't start teasing them back. You should go tell a parent, a teacher, or even the school counselor. If you tell the teacher and the bully keeps picking on people tell the teachers and they will give them a bigger punishment.
Sometimes though there might be a reason that the bully is mean. That kid might be having problems at home, so before you go and tell the teachers try to be friends with the kid. Most of the time they will let you be their friend but they will try to make you a bully. Tell them that you don't want to make kids feel bad because you know how it feels, and they might respect you for that and they will hopefully stop their bullying for good. But in some cases they will keep teasing you and might be even meaner than before. That's when you go get a teacher. Hopefully you have learned from this, and will try to stop a bully in your neighborhood today!