Can you imagine going to jail for signing a piece of paper? The people who signed the Declaration of Independence sure did. While they thought they were trying to be brave and noble, they were also aware of the many risks that may follow.
To begin with, the men signing the Declaration of Independence were clearly aware of the risk they had of committing treason against the British King. To whom, but a short time before, they were bound as subjects. They mentioned in the Declaration a “long train of abuses and arrest”.
While they were mad about that they were also aware about the other risks. Like how the delegates knew that if they had signed the Declaration it would be punishable by hanging. That's why it was very important that they all agree on the contents of the document to show a united front. It was also very important that the Declaration be a very advanced document to make those great risks worth taking.
Even though they had put up a united front to beat England, they were all worried about change. They were worried that if they signed it that things would become to unlawful to take care of. Plus who isn't afraid of change? That's what holds us all back at times. But luckily, they were strong enough to conquer their fear and sign the declaration.
Now since you know all the risks of signing the Declaration of Independence go follow what they did and conquer your main fear... Change. Go do something different, like wear a shoe on your hand. Or even wear one tall sock and one short sock, but go do something different.